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Below is a selection of our papers. If you need access to any, just email us at dae [at] yorku [dot] ca.

Peer Reviewed Papers



Charette, M. and D. Elliott Sensing the Afterlife: Multisensorial ethnography and injured minds. In The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Ethnography. Edited by Phillip Vannini. PP. 332-344.



Elliott, D. Medical museums, materiality, and the traumatic brain injury of Phineas Gage. In Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge, edited by Anna Harris. Intellect Press. PP. 365-383.



M. Charette, L. Lima, and D. Elliott Sonic Stories: Living with an Injured Mind. Multimodality and Society 2(2): 165-173.


Charette, M. and D. Elliott Sensing the Afterlife: Multisensorial ethnography and injured minds. In The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Ethnography. Edited by Phillip Vannini. PP. 332-344.



Elliott, D. Medical museums, materiality, and the traumatic brain injury of Phineas Gage. In Making Sense of Medicine: Materiality and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge, edited by Anna Harris. Intellect Press. PP. 365-383.



M. Charette, L. Lima, and D. Elliott Sonic Stories: Living with an Injured Mind. Multimodality and Society 2(2): 165-173.


Elliott, D. The Memory Multiverse: Existential ruptures, familiar faces and injured minds, Special Issue – Madness, edited by Baptiste Moutaud, Terrain 76


Elliott, D. La Mémoire Multivers: Ruptures Existentielles, Visages Familiers et Lēsion Cérébrale. Terrain 76:112-129.



Elliott, D. Sonic art, brain injury, and intimate ethnography: A review of Reassembled, Slightly Askew. Anthropologica 63(1): 1-5.



Elliott, D. Neurological disturbances and time travel. Catalyst: Feminist, Theory, Technoscience 5(2): 1-27.



Elliott, D. Art, Neuroscience, and Ethnography, Platypus, CASTAC (Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology and Computing blog).

Other Papers and Publications


D. Elliott Living with Injured Minds: Findings from Ethnographic Research on Brain Injuries, Brain Injury Society of Toronto, November 29, Toronto.



D. Elliott and A. Garcia, Writing Life No.8: An Interview with Angela Garcia, Writing Life Digital Series, Somatosphere, February 12.

Conference Papers


Daza-Cardona, Jorge; Elliott, D. (2023). Postcolonial circulations of a neuropsychological test: a visual analysis of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Website. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Honolulu, Hawaii (Virtual). November 8-11.


E. Panetta and D. Elliott, Imaging brain injuries: The stories and myths that Infographics tell, ISHPSSB annual conference, Toronto, July 13.


(Re)situating Injured Minds, Advanced Study Institute, The Situated Brain Conference, McGill University, Montreal, June 29.


Sensing Injured Minds, Advanced Study Institute, The Situated Brain: Culture, Context and Ecologies of Mind Workshop, McGill University, Montreal, June 27-28.


Ethnography of Invisibility, Deafness Workshop, Quebec City, June 13-14.


Havana Syndrome: Political imaginaries and neuroscience fictions, 4S Annual Conference, Mexico, December.


With Michelle Charette, Situated Neurology: An ethnographic study of neurology in Kenya, Institute for Global Health Research, York University, April 12.


Havana Syndrome: Political imaginaries and neuroscience fictions, McMaster University Seminar Series, March 18, (virtual).


Listening to an injured mind: A sonic installation, Uncommon Senses III, Sensory Ethnography Conference, Montreal (virtual), May 8. (with Michelle Charette)


A magic atelier: time, memory and brain injury, Sensate Memories: A multimedia conversation, Co-sponsored by SFU and CIE (virtual), August 13.


[invited] Neurological Imaginaries: Reflections on time, memoir and multimodal ethnography, York University Theatre and Performance Graduate Colloquium, Toronto, March 10.


Art, neuroscience, and time slippage: A magic encyclopedia, 4S, New Orleans, September 4-7.


Neurological disturbances and time travel, Canadian Association of Anthropology (CASCA) Annual Conference, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba, May 17.


A forgetful ethnography, Colleex Workshop, Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13-15.


An Ethnography of Invisibility: Neuro-Medicine and Felt Theory, Affective Evidence, AAA, Minneapolis, November 17.


An ethnography of invisibility? African Neuroscience, memory and feeling, Technoscience Salon, York University / University of Toronto, October 10.

Peer Reviewed Poster Conference Papers


E. Panetta, M. Charette and D. Elliott, Visual Culture and Brain Injury: An analysis of neuro-artefacts, 15th Annual Brain Injury Conference, Feb. 10.



M. Charette and D. Elliott, Adopting arts-based methods to explore sensory disturbances among patients with acquired brain injuries, Canadian Association of Neuroscience, Toronto, May.

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